Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Standard Residential Water Service Rates

*Base Rate Minimum (mthly):
Standby Fee (mthly):
Single Connection fee:

*usage billed separately
$1,495.00 ea
Tier (gal.): $ per 1,000 gal.:
1-8,000 $3.50
8,001-16,000 $5.50
16,001-24,000 $11.00
24,001-32,000 $16.50
>32,001 $25.00

Please contact our office for any additional information.

Standard Residential Sewer Rates

Base Rate Minimum (mthly):
Standby Fee (mthly):
*Single Connection Fee:
Hookup Fee:
**Start or Stop service Fee:
Late Fee:

*One time fee
**Per occurrence
$1642.00 ea
$300.00 ea
$100.00 ea
18% per annum

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